The Doctorate in Communication has a duration of 4 years, distributed across 8 academic semesters. Classes are carried out at both universities: at the UFRO’s Valentín Letelier Campus as well as the UACh’s Isla Teja Campus.

Classes fall primarily on Thursdays and Fridays. The directors are Dr. Carlos del Valle at the Universidad de La Frontera and Dr. Rodrigo Browne at the Universidad Austral de Chile. The doctorate has four lines of research: 1) Communication and Media, 2) Communication and Inter-, Multi-, and Transcultural Contexts, 3) Communication and Culture, and 4) Communication, Science, and Technology.

The Doctorate currently offers three Double Graduation Agreements, those being with the University of Groningen, Netherlands; Sapienza Università di Roma, Italy; and Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Colombia.

The program publishes the journal Perspectivas de la Comunicación (ISSN 0718-4867), ), a biannual electronic publication created in 2000 with the purpose of contributing to the conversation among diverse researchers in the wide field of communication, disseminating, mainly, works associated with research projects, and encouraging the development of critical thinking regarding the diverse social, cultural, communicational, discursive, intercultural, political, and economic phenomena observed in Latin America and worldwide. The journal is indexed/cataloged in the following: the Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI) of Clarivate Analytics, SCIELO-Chile, ErihPlus, Latindex (Catalog), Red Iberoamericana de Revistas de Comunicación y Cultura, Red Bogotá de Revistas Científicas en Comunicación, Dialnet (Scientific Content Database), Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), Directory of Research Journal Indexing (DRJI), Centro de Documentación para América Latina (CEDAL), Redib, Google Scholar, and MIAR.

The program also has an Observatory of Communication, Culture, Criticism, and Society (OBC), , a space that is academic in nature and social in vocation, oriented toward observing social and cultural tendencies and situations that allow the educational, investigative, and productive work of the Doctorate in Communication to be linked with diverse public media activities, going beyond the traditional analysis of mediated content.

Lastly, the program runs a Laboratory for the Study of Discourses (LaED), , a space that is specially habilitated to accommodate the work of doctoral students, post-doctoral researchers, and academics, with the purpose of carrying out various analyses of the corpus of texts corresponding to thesis research and/or research projects for publication in specialized journals, especially those indexed in WoS and Scopus.


Opening: September 10, 2023

Closing: November 10, 2023

Second Call: November 11, 2023 to January 15, 2024.


1 – National identification card or passport.

2 – Certificate validating Master’s degree and/or Bachelor’s degree and/or equivalent.

3 – Academic-professional CV, with emphasis on experience with publications and research projects.

4 – Record of undergraduate and Master’s level grades (as corresponds).

5 – Letters of recommendation from two (2) highly experienced academics from areas related to the program field.

6 – Personal letter justifying the intentions and motivations of your application.

7 – Presentation of a Doctoral Research Proposal (based on the Fondecyt de Iniciación project proposal).